Arizona Bartender License
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Arizona Title 4 BASIC On-Sale Responsible Serving®

Arizona Title 4 BASIC On-Sale Responsible Serving® Information

The Title 4 BASIC Training Course is approved by the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control for both on-premises and off-premises sellers and servers. This course will get you the Title 4 Arizona BASIC certificate that your employer may require as a term/condition of employment. This course provides certification for ONLY on-premises locations in Arizona. This is sometimes referred to as your Bartender License in Arizona. If you require off-premises alcohol seller training as well, please click here.

After you have finished taking the course, you can print your official Arizona alcohol server or seller certificate (bartender license) for BASIC Title 4 training instantly or call or email us and we can send it out to you in the mail. 

Click the add to cart button below and proceed to the checkout to get signed up. You will be emailed a username/password to login and begin.

Arizona Title 4 BASIC On-Sale Responsible Serving® $8.99